Activities and results

Ref. No Activities Documents
1.1 Situation analysis of current study programmes in Serbia
1.2 Market analysis of present needs for qualified workers   
1.3 Harmonisation with existing EU benchmark standards
2.1 Creation of methodology (quality procedures) for the development of more flexible study programmes
2.2 Tuning outcomes and competences of existing programmes in line with current market needs
2.3 Modernisation and harmonisation of existing undergraduate curricula
2.4 Development of new postgraduate curricula
2.5 Development of teaching material 
BTC Uzice
HBS Leskovac
Uni Kg
2.6.1 Student recruitment and enrolment campaign (Strategic plan)
2.6.2 Student recruitment and enrolment campaign (Enrolled students)
2.7.1 Evaluation of modernized and developed programmes and programme appraisal based on evaluation outcomes(reports on students evaluation)
2.7.2 Evaluation of modernized and developed programmes and programme appraisal based on evaluation outcomes(changes in program led by evaluation)
3.1 Language skills
3.2 ICT skills
3.3 Pedagogical skills 
3.4 Subject related training 
3.5 Purchasing of equipment for improving infrastructure to support innovation in teaching practice (ICT and laboratory equipment).
Design of continuous tourism courses
Preparation of materials for the courses
Enrolment of tourism employees
Organization of the courses
5.1 Establishment of stakeholder and professional cooperation networks
5.2 Participation of stakeholders in educational process
5.3.1 Development of bilateral agreements in domain of work based learning and business and industrial placement experience(Signed bilateral agreeements)
5.3.2 Development of bilateral agreements in domain of work based learning and business and industrial placement experience(Methodology)
6.1 Defining procedures for project quality control
6.2 Regular internal progress reports / providing overview of the achieved results
6.3 Monitoring visits by externally appointed peer review
6.4 Implementation of corrective measures
7.1 Development and maintenance of project web site and web portal
7.2 Marketing activities 
HBS V.Banja
7.3 Project conference
7.4 Workshops for representatives of stakeholders and end users
8.1 Accreditation of modernized and developed programmes
8.2 Implement employer/professional body/student support committees to help sustain student recruitment
8.3 Raising community awareness about importance of tourism and tourism education   BTC Uzice
RCE Uzice
HBS V.Banja
8.4 Degree recognition between RS higher education partner institutions 
8.5 Development of institutional financial sustainability plan
9.1 Kick-off meeting
9.2 Regular meetings of Steering Committee
9.3 Organisation and coordination of project activities   
9.4 Project administration management 
9.5 Design of manual for financial project management 
9.6 Tempus project representatives meeting
9.7 Project Financial Management
9.8 Final meeting

The website has been funded within the framework of the European Union Tempus programme which is funded by the Directorate General for Development and Co-operation - EuropeAid and the Directorate General for Enlargement.

This website reflects the views only of the authors, and the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information therein.
