Materijal i tekst o partnerima u projektu dostavlili su sami učesnici projekta iz navedenih institucija. Visoka poslovno - tehnička škola ni na koji način nije menjala sadržaj dostavljenog teksta
Domaće institucije
Led by an idea to create a unique program in hospitality that is supposed to support further tourism development in Serbia, the University of Kragujevac with the assistance of the Republic of Serbia, has established the Faculty of Hotel Management and Tourism in Vrnjačka Banja in 2011. Certainly, one of the main objectives of the Faculty is develop new generations of managers prepared to undertake on greatest challenges of the modern hospitality industry. We aim to do so by creating a well balanced combination between lecturing and learning through hands-on experience. For that reason the Faculty has committed itself to finding the best partners in the tourism industry, starting from the well-know hotel chains and respected tour operators to organizers of significant cultural manifestations and events. The desired goal is to prepare our students as much as possible for endeavors in their future careers, through enabling them to gain invaluable experience while still at school.
The Faculty is the youngest member of the University of Kragujevac and during 2013 the Faculty has accredited its undergraduate and graduate levels of studies. Currently, approximately 300 students are enrolled at the Faculty.
Business College of Vocational Studies in Leskovac is a state accredited school with a tradition of 36 years. The school is implementing three study programs at bachelor degree of professional studies, and a study program in specialized professional studies. One of the study programs is Tourism and Catering. School has extensive experience in cooperation with educational institutions in the country and abroad, and successful cooperation with Regional Chamber of Commerce, Local government and economic entities. Cooperation between school and higher education institutions in the Republic of Slovenia is particularly praised by representatives of the European Commission, Terence Clifford – Amos, PhD at international conference in Maribor, in November 2012.
The school has successfully completed the project "Schools for the Future", which was implemented in collaboration with the Government of the Kingdom of Norway and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Serbia. This project is one of the largest projects implemented in higher education in the Republic of Serbia in the past 10 years.
Enhancing the quality of the educational process in the study program Tourism and Catering, the school has established cooperation with relevant educational institutions in this sector in the region, which share experiences and teachers. Also, the school has a longstanding cooperation with the Greek Ministry of Tourism and ATEI University from Thessaloniki. School teachers each year participate in scientific conferences at home and abroad with notable works in this field.
Higher School of Professional Business Studies in Novi Sad is a state school with 50 years of tradition in educating professionals in the field of economics and computer science. The school educates students in modules: Financial operations and accounting, Trade and international business, Tourism and hotel business, Entrepreneurship, and Computer science in business. The international cooperation with similar colleges in Europe has been established. Our school is an example of school which promotes practical knowledge, and where the students confirm and develop their abilities, improve the foreign languages, develop their creativity and analytical thinking and build their personality.
Our mission is to help the immediate business entities to improve business performances and thus they will be able to yield as high profit as possible in future through providing and transferring the most extensive knowledge of economics and business.
The Chamber of economy of Vojvodina has a long tradition.It was founded in 1919.The Chamber is an independent, economic interest and professional representation of enterprises and entrepreneurs as well as of all other types of businesses and professional organisation and associations registered on the area of Autonomous Province of Vojvodina.All the activities as the Chamber are conducted through associations.
Associations gather member companies and enterprises in branches based on similar economic interests.Their main activity is to articulate needs and problems of different economy areas.The Chamber provides non-financial support and services to entrepreneurs in relation to business information, economic policy, finance, insurance, foreign economic relation (including fair and exhibition participation), market opportunity, quality management, professional training and education, technological innovation, information and communication technologies.The Chambers has 38 employees.It is part of the Serbian chamber network and the member of Eurochambers, European chambers network.It participated in many project within CARDS , IPA and SOTH EAST Programmes.
The Regional Chamber of Commerce in Uzice, as an interest economic association, represents a place for gathering and discussion, harmonization of interests and activities of the enterprises, establishing mutual standpoints, exchange of experience and establishing mutual business connections.
The Chamber assists the companies in promoting marketing, linking science and economy, modernizing the knowledge of personnel and creating development strategies and improving the infrastructure. The Chamber closely cooperates with the Chamber of Commerce of Serbia and other regional chambers of commerce, Zlatibor district, municipalities, republic ministries and representatives of foreign chambers of commerce in our country, scientific institutions and universities.
The activities of the Chamber and functioning of the entire system of the Chamber are enabled by operation of the Chamber’s Team of Experts.
Tourist organization Leskovac was founded in1995. Tourist organization deals with:
- Development of a tourism development plan and related documents for promotion of the tourist area of the municipality Leskovac,
- encouraging improvement general conditions for the admission and stay of tourists in Leskovac
- monitoring and analyzing trends, direction and coordination of activities of tourism in enriching and improving the quality of tourism and complementary facilities and create an attractive tourism environment in the tourist areas,
- organizing tourist information and promotional activities, cultural, sporting and other events,
- directing and coordinating the activities and initiatives of companies and other organizations in the creation and marketing of tourism products with the features of the Leskovac region,
- initiating and organizing activities to improve the quality of services in tourism, developing tourism awareness, cultural tourism, protection and improvement of the environment.
RTOWS aims to increase the attractiveness and competitiveness of tourism destinations in the region and to establish destination management system, to reach foreign exchange revenue from tourism through increasing the number of tourists in the priority tourism destinations, tourism revenues, number of employees in sector as a result of investment in tourism and infrastructure and increased level of activities by improving the investment climate. Special attention is devoted to the development of priority tourism destinations by improving infrastructure, supporting the work of developing tourism enterprises and tourism associations. In addition, incentives which will direct and intensify the development of priority tourism products, especially the mountain, city break and rural tourism.
The vision of RTOWS therefore defines RTOWS as basic generator of tourism development and tourism investments in the region. By achieving that position, RTOWS contributes significantly to the achievement of local, regional and national programmes and strategies, develops efficient system to generate tourism investment projects, to manage basic infrastructure investment problems and tourism destination problems and perform efficient tourism investment promotion and investors acquisition.
The mission of RTOWS is to establish positive tourism investment atmosphere with full support to investment projects and investors in local municipality from legal, managerial, financial and technical point of view in order to facilitate the process of transforming ideas into the efficient operations of tourism projects. This also includes development of efficient PPP – public‐private partnership model in tourism that will include local, regional and/or national public authorities and their support to tourism development as well as private local and international investors in tourism projects. With the implementation of tourism investment projects, RTOWS contributes to the growth of tourism and its economic impacts on revenues, employment, local and regional development, higher level of development and higher standards of living and finally to the increase of positive regional, national and international image of region with all respect to sustainable development principles and protection of natural and cultural resources of local society.
Inostrane institucije
The university traces its roots to 1890, when Britain's second polytechnic was opened near the Thames at Woolwich to
teach practical and commercial skills to London workers. The polytechnic pioneered the country's first part-time
and sandwich courses. The university has diverse strengths in many subjects such as analytical chemistry, teacher
training, architecture, engineering and history.
The name Thames Polytechnic was adopted in 1970. Greenwich was
awarded university status in 1992. The university has a diverse student body with people from more than 100 countries
studying at Greenwich. Its international student community of 4,000 is one of the highest in the UK. High standards are
set for teaching quality and the university provides continual professional training opportunities for all lecturers. The
university also measures students' views on services through an annual student satisfaction survey, and all shortcomings
that are identified are addressed.
The T.E.I. of Piraeus is one of the oldest Technological Education Institutes in Greece, with a long tradition of involvement in the country's educational life. It was established under the terms of Law 1404/83 in 1983 and it is part of the country's Higher Education System with specific-and distinctive, when compared to Greek Universities, mission as it provides high school graduates with scientific and academic training of immediate application to the economy.
As part of its work, the T.E.I. of Piraeus offers both theoretical and practical education to enable its students to use their scientific, technological and artistic knowledge and skills. It offers more than twenty different degree-awarding programmes varying from Arts and Social Sciences to Applied Sciences and Engineering . Its current enrolment of students approaches 15.000 while its regular and temporary teaching stuff is approximately 1.000. An administrative staff of around 250 employees supports the Instute's functions. The postgraduate programmes offered enjoy the administration's special attention and along with the support from collaborative Institutions, have been well accepted by the market.
To fulfill its mission, the T.E.I. of Piraeus pursues and maintains links with industry, business and other types of organized economy of the region, collaborate with other institutions of Higher Education in Greece and abroad, contribute to the continuing education of their graduates as well as of the Greek public at large and participate in research projects on technological applications. Approximately 200.000 students attend its courses which last eight semesters including a six-month period of Practical Training.
In addition, as the T.E.I of Piraeus is always interested in expanding its scope as well as encouraging international cooperation and knowledge diffusion, it pursues and has succeeded in participating in numerous programmes under the aegis of the European Union, such as SOCRATES/ ERASMUS, TEMPUS PHARE, TEMPUS TACIS, ADAPT, JEAN MONNET, LEONARDO DA VINCI etc., the most recent of which are the Tempus/Tacis INTOUR project, "International Networking for Modernization of Tourism Education and Developing Academic Mobility", and the Tempus IV ESHA project, "Création de 4 Ecoles Hôtelières Supérieures d'Application".
The Faculties and Departments that are currently run by the Technological Education Institute of Piraeus are as follows:
Faculty of Engineering:
- Department of Automation Engineering,
- Department of Electrical Engineering,
- Department of Electronic Engineering,
- Department of Electronical Computer Systems Engineering,
- Department of Textiles Engineering,
- Department of Mechanical Engineering,
- Department of Civil Engineering
Faculty of Management and Finance:
- Department of Business Administration,with three sub-divisions:
- Business Administration Department
- Tourism Management Department *
- Marketing Department
- Department of Accounting
*As of this academic year (2013-2014), due to the educational reforms that have recently taken place in Greece, the Department of Tourism Business has now merged with the Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Management and Economics, which offers programmes of studies in three different directions: Business Administration, Tourism Business and Marketing.
The premises of the Institute are located near the famous port of Piraeus within the metropolitan area of greater Athens, and it is built on its own campus of approximately 100.000m2 in themiddle of an olive grove that incudes some of the very same olive trees that used to shade Plato's academy situated then nearby. The premises provide a number of amenities such as fully equipped libraries and laboratories, sports facilities, student canteens to name but a few. More information can be found by following the link to its website as well as the website of the Department of Business Administration.
USAMVCN has a long tradition in the life science higher education and research (since 1869). USAMVCN is a leading Romanian HEI, in 2012 the University was ranked in the 5th position among the "first class" universities of "advanced research and education" from Romania and the first place in life sciences, place that was also confirmed by an external audit conducted by the EUA. In the present comprise five faculties, each of them providing long and short-term academic studies, Master and PhD studies in agriculture, food science and technology, horticulture, animal husbandry, veterinary medicine, and biotechnology. Long-term bilateral cooperation with over 71 foreign universities is realized through various areas. USAMVCN has good results and number of implemented projects in areas relevant to subject of this project like curricula reform, modernization of higher education, university management, lifelong learning, introduction of distance learning, university/enterprise cooperation, etc. USAMVCN mission is to promote excellence in HEI, research and innovation through academic and post-university training, through lifelong learning and integration to higher education values in concordance with the knowledge-based society. USAMVCN is certified and implemented ISO 9001:2008, based on QC and QAS.